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Your Kid's Most Common Dental Challenges

Everyday Pediatric Dental Troubles

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Taking your child to the dentist is an important step in your child's well-being but it can also be a difficult and sometimes scary step. KidZaam Dentistry is here to make that step definitely doable and even fun! So why is it important to get your children in to see a dentist? Doc wants you to know of some of the more common pediatric dental troubles so that he can help you. Orthodontic Problems Thumb-sucking is a common occurrence and isn't always something to be concerned about. Sucking is natural for an infant and often provides a sense of security for a young one. According to the American Dental Association, most children stop thumb-sucking on their own between the ages of two and four. However, if your child is beginning to get permanent teeth, thumb-sucking can pose an orthodontic problem. Certainly time to consider ways to get your child to stop the thumb-sucking habit.

pediatric dentist

Another common orthodontic problem is over-retained primary (baby) teeth). Often a primary tooth is in position with a permanent tooth trying to come through. It is important to use regular dental care to monitor the growth and development of these teeth to prevent future issues like impacted or displaced teeth. Other potential orthodontic problems can include a misaligned bite (a malocclusion). A malocclusion can occur from a variety of different ways both inherited and acquired and can be caused by crowded teeth, extra teeth, misaligned jaws, accidents, and even long term thumb-sucking. Tooth Decay and Gum Disease - Let's Fight "D.K." Together at KidZaam! At KidZaam we are all about tooth and gum health and regular dental visits can prevent nasty problems caused by tooth decay or gum disease. Tooth decay is caused by a combination of the naturally occurring bacteria in the mouth and carbohydrate-rich foods like candy, bread, and fruit juices. These foods leave deposits on the teeth which bond with the bacteria forming plaque which is the perfect environment for tooth decay. Gum disease and gingivitis is often recognizable by swollen and bleeding gums. This occurs from a buildup of plaque and poor oral hygiene. By making regular dental visits with the Doc at KidZaam, we can help your child win the battle and keep a healthy smile.

prescott dentist

Other Common Issues Kids can suffer from a variety of other issues like canker sores, sensitive teeth, and tooth grinding. Regular visits to the dentist can address issues such as these to help reduce or even eliminate these problems to help maintain a healthy smile. Dental Anxiety We all know that it can be a scary visit to see the dentist. Dental anxiety is a very real concern for children and adults alike. Luckily, Doc and his agents at KidZaam HQ are on the job to make your child's visit entertaining, fun, safe, and secure!

Call KidZaam at 928-443-1400

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